Friday, November 5, 2010

Social Networks

Social Networks are another way to quickly and easily bring relevant resources, tips and information into your life.  Having such a fast, easy way to connect with people that you might not otherwise maintain a relationship with opens up a lot of doors.  Facebook has helped me stay on top of what is going on in friends’ lives, current events, available jobs, and information about things going on in the media.  Even just through Facebook, I have gotten a lot of great information from friends and acquaintances who are teachers. 

As I am learning about professional social networks, I see that they can be a great resource.  Blogs are great because they allow people to write a lot and make useful comments on what others are saying.  Sites like Twitter and Facebook are useful because it doesn’t take much time to quickly scan what others are saying and then respond to others to share information or ask questions. 

I am hoping to find a network of school librarians to connect with as I experience my first year in this position.  I would love the opportunity to see ideas that others are using in their libraries, especially when it comes to planning Reading Month, running a book fair, or creating an incentive program to get kids involved in programs like Accelerated Reader.  I have also come across information on professional social networking sites about upcoming conferences, great websites to use with students, and other useful tips.

Having been a classroom teacher for 3 years, if I still had my own room, I would use social networks a lot to refine my teaching.  It is nice to be at the point with teaching that you feel comfortable with most things but have a little more time and energy to seek ideas, tips and resources from others to improve upon what you’ve already been doing.  

If you know of any great resources for a new elementary librarian, feel free to share!

1 comment:

  1. Do you belong to MAME. Go to There is a listserv to join and it is very active. In my REMC 13 region we are working on a new curriculum for K12 libraries. I can keep you posted!
