Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Blogs Vs Websites (CEP 810)

A blog is different from a traditional website because it is more like a journal.  A blog is created by an individual for an individual purpose, often for a specific audience.  Websites are often created for businesses or organizations and are for advertisement or other large-audience purposes.  A blogger chooses their topic, or a variety of topics, and adds entries with their thoughts, feelings, or ideas whenever they want.  Many blogs are updated regularly, even more than once a day.  Many websites are created and then never or rarely updated.  A blog is organized by date, rather than subject matter.  A blog can be interactive- people can comment on each others' posts and have entire conversations online.  Most traditional websites are meant more for information gathering than for social interaction.  Blogs are also often much simpler than traditional websites- they are set up more as one continuous page than a complicated set of links.

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