Sunday, November 28, 2010

Using Creative Copyright

Photo Attribution:
Original Image: "book shelf project 1"
By  hobvias sudoneighm

Released under an Attribution 2.0 Generic License

I found this image using a search through Firefox for items with Creative Commons licensing.  This means that I searched specifically for a photo that the author had already given permission to share.  The specific license allows people to share or adapt the photo as long as the author is given credit. 

I chose a photo of a disorganized-looking bookshelf because it is a photo that I could use in my curriculum.  As a Library Media Specialist, one of my duties is to help children understand the importance of organization of books in a library.   This photo could be a great way to get kids started on a discussion about how to organize books and the challenges of having books that are not organized.  

Here is a link to my Flickr page:

1 comment:

  1. As a fellow librarian, this would drive me crazy! This is a wonderful image. It would make a good puzzle though. There was an interesting conversation on the MAME listserv a couple of years ago, where there were those who were thinking of shelving books in a very imaginative way. They were not following my beloved Dewey Decimal system. It was quite strange.
