Thursday, February 24, 2011

Part B: Storyboard and Script, Take 2

Our group chose to create a professional development slidecast using Microsoft PowerPoint about using Google Docs and Google Presenter.  We broke the presentation itself into 4 parts, each assigned to a different group member.  Each person was to create about 4 slides with a script that would take approximately 2  ½ minutes, for a total of a 10 minute presentation.  The job of putting the 4 parts together into one coherent presentation was assigned to me, and the last group member will do the reading and recording of the script to finish the presentation.  

After turning the project in, we found out that we needed the script to be a separate document.  I communicated with my group members via email and our class discussion forum to figure out how to get this done.  Each group member was going to send me a revised version of their script, including descriptions of the narration, text, sounds, graphics, animations, and user interactions for each slide.  After receiving these, I put them together in a Word document and also added the new versions to the notes at the bottom of each PowerPoint slide.  One group member is still working on including all of the elements for the last part of the presentation. 

This is the current, updated version of our PowerPoint presentation:

Here is the separate script for the presentation:

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