Sunday, February 20, 2011

Part B: Storyboard and Script

Our group chose to create a professional development slidecast using Microsoft PowerPoint about using Google Docs and Google Presenter.  We broke the presentation itself into 4 parts, each assigned to a different group member.  Each person was to create about 4 slides with a script that would take approximately 2  ½ minutes, for a total of a 10 minute presentation.  The job of putting the 4 parts together into one coherent presentation was assigned to me, and the last group member will do the reading and recording of the script to finish the presentation.  

Since my role was to edit the 4 parts together, I waited until each of the parts was sent to me.  Then, I saved each segment separately and began to work on combining them into one.  I began with the slides for the introduction and instructions for creating a Google account.  Then, I copied and pasted the slides from each subsequent part of the presentation until the slides were all in order.  Next, I made sure the entire presentation had common background and added a few transition slides to help it flow.  I worked my way through the entire presentation several times to edit some of the transitions, sounds, and wording of the slides and script to pull the entire project together.  

Unfortunately, the last section of the presentation is currently having technical difficulties- the videos will not play.  After trying unsuccessfully to find a way to make them play, I ended up communicating to my group that the project was put together but that the person who created the ending slides would need to fix their videos before the due date.  I then sent the presentation to my group members through email and also posted it in our group discussion forum.  

For now, my part is done, unless I am needed to assist my group members in fixing the videos or in creating the voiceover for the final product.  

Below is the current state of our product, with the script details shown on the even-numbered slides:

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