Sunday, February 13, 2011

Part A: Brainstorm Session, Take 2

Well, after holding our first meeting using Vyew, we decided to try again using Yugma.  Again, it had some good points, but left us frustrated in other ways. 

We were happy that Yugma is also free, and that the Chat feature is easy to use.  Talking to each other was easier this time because we actually talked on the phone.  The program gave us a teleconference number to call and then input our meeting number, and then it was like a regular phone call.  However, something tells me that if more than 2 of us had been able to sign in, the phone call would have been difficult because we would have been interrupting each other.  But, at least there is no echo this way!  Plus, there is no need for a microphone.

Even though 4 of us were available to meet this time, 2 of our group members had trouble getting into the meeting room and did not get to sign in during our short meeting time.  Unfortunately, the free version gave us only 15 minutes to meet.  We learned again that we were not able to record our meeting.  We also did not have a workspace to use to type and record our ideas. 

Fortunately, after both meetings and several emails between group members, our plan is set.  The work is divided into 6 parts, and dates are set.  The first 4 group members will create their parts of the presentation and email them by February 17th or 18th, so I can put the pieces together in order with transitions into one storyboard with a script to turn in by the 20th.  Then, Liat will do the final part- adding the voice and getting the entire presentation into the correct format to be turned in on time. 

Let's hope we have better luck with the rest of this project!

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