Friday, March 11, 2011

Wicked Problem Project- Final

Problem- The problem I chose to address is that I needed to find a better way to teach my students research and presentation skills.  I was having difficulty teaching these concepts and skills because I only see my students once a week for 40-50 minutes.  Each week, I was spending a lot of time repeating the same instructions, which wasted a lot of time and didn’t allow my students to continue working at their own pace and jump quickly back in from where they left off the previous week.    

Solution- I decided that I needed to find a way to create regular structure to the research and presentation process that would be easy for my students to follow independently.  My solution was to create a WebQuest template that I can modify for any research project.  Using this will allow my students to see regular structure to the research and presentation process and allow my students to work at their own pace, while giving all of my students the instruction and repetition they need.

Technology and Pedagogy- I made the decision to create the WebQuest template using Microsoft PowerPoint for several reasons.  First, using a slideshow presentation is a great way to provide my students with the entire assignment in an easy to follow, step-by-step format.  My students have access to everything in one place and also the ability to move back and forth between each part of the process as they need to.  Another reason I chose to use Powerpoint was because I already have it at home and at school- this makes it easy for me to work from anywhere and easy for my students to access.  PowerPoint is something my students have already been exposed to, so it is easy for them to navigate.

Technology and Content- Using the PowerPoint WebQuest format saves me a lot of time.  It eliminates the need for me to constantly repeat directions or to make and hand out copies of instructional materials and resources.  I am able to provide everything they need from the beginning, all in one place. 
Having instructions in an electronic format also makes it easy to for me to provide my students with online resources.  I like that I can include links for my students to click on that will take them directly to websites that are good resources for their research or to useful video tutorials.  My template includes links to two video tutorials about how to create PowerPoint presentations, which will help my students create presentations of their research. 

Pedagogy and Content- Having a template to work from when creating each research assignment gives me the opportunity to spend more time focusing on the content of the assignment, rather than worrying about how to get the information and instruction to my students.  Working from the template allows me more time to focus on creating a high-quality, intriguing assignment that encourages critical thinking from a problem-solving approach.  Having the ability to add electronic content, such as videos, also helps my struggling students and keep students interested in the assignment. 

Student Experience- In the future, my students will continue to benefit from the use of my WebQuest template for their research project.  They will benefit from having all of their instruction in one place, from being able to work at their own pace, from seeing regular structure to the process, from having electronic resources and videos available to them, and from being provided with high-quality problem-solving assignments. 

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