Saturday, March 5, 2011

Professional Learning Plan

One of my main goals for the three CEP courses was to try to catch up with what my students know about technology.  I definitely feel a lot more confident now about my exposure to and understanding of many popular technology terms.  Before taking the three courses, I didn’t know much about blogs, wikis, Google Docs, podcasts, Webquests, or Stair projects.  Now, I feel comfortable using each of them personally or professionally.  Before taking these courses, I was also unaware of many of the free technology available on the web.  Now I know about many resources and programs, such as Slideshare, Delicious, Vyew, Glogster, Prezi and Wordle.  

Another one of my original goals was to create specific projects that I could use and re-use in my teaching.  I am happy to have created a Stair project that I will be able to use each year to introduce the parts of the library to my students.  I intend to use it in the beginning of the school year next year and also revise and edit it as needed.  I have also created a research project template in a WebQuest format using PowerPoint that will enable me to create and revise research projects for my older students for years to come.  I will use this template for upcoming projects this year and continue to use it in the foreseeable future.  

A third goal that I had at the beginning of these courses was to learn more about how to teach children about internet safety and copyright law.  Although I have learned some things that I did not know about before, this is a goal I am going to have to continue to pursue on my own.  Fortunately, another library media specialist in another district building is also interested in the same topics.  She and I have already started pulling some internet resources so we can develop lessons for next year.  Hopefully my new technology skills, such as creation of Stair projects and Webquests, will allow us to create some useful resources for our students.  I like that this will give me the opportunity to share some of my learning with another educator in a way that will benefit students in another building. 

In addition to the specific knowledge I have acquired through these courses, I have also gained a sense of confidence and responsibility toward technology in education.  I joined the technology committee in my building and became a part of a group writing grants for document projectors.  I was lucky enough to be the first to get a DuKane projector and webcam for use in the library.  In order to make use of the projector, I had to set up a “technology station” in the center of the library.  Now, the station has a computer with an Epson projector and the Dukane, always ready for use.  Before, the extra computer and Epson projector were left sitting in a storage room.  

I have also been staying more aware of how technology is being used in my building and trying to find ways to adapt available technology to lessons in the library.  For example, I found out that we have digital cameras and video cameras available.  In the near future, I would like to have my students either read or act out stories while being photographed or videotaped.  I believe that if students know they are going to be recorded and that they will be able to see it played back, they will be more motivated and enjoy the assignment more.  Since my school also has Smartboards available for teachers to check out, I plan to learn more about how to use them from other teachers in my building and find ways to use them in the library.  

The biggest challenge I have to face in the future is to stay aware of current technology.  I plan to do this by staying involved in technology in my building and in my personal life.  By staying on the technology committee and having regular conversations with other teachers about how they are using technology in their classrooms, I should be able to continue learning and developing my skills.  I also intend to stay focused on technology in the news and in my everyday life and consider how it can be used in education.


  1. I agree with the part about creating projects to use and reuse. Often we have limited time and to create meaningful projects and ideas that can be used multiple time is very helpful! I also agree that staying current is a great goal. I feel like every few days I hear about a new phone, application, etc.

  2. Lisa,
    Like you, I feel a lot more confident in my position as a result of the courses. I also see more opportunities for me to use what I learned everyday. It makes me feel like a more valuable member of the faculty (in addition to being a better teacher)!
